quarta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2011

MÚSICA DA SEMANA - "Sharon & Hope" - Stina Nordenstam

Tema sobre o qual recaiu a minha atenção esta semana e eleita por mim como merecedora de destaque. Não sendo critico musical não vou julgar nem classificar o tema. Irei simplesmente colocá-lo aqui porque dele gostei e pronto! É tudo circunstancial e uma questão de gosto
Stina Nordenstam

Tema: "Sharon & Hope"

Album: This Is Stina Nordenstam

Sharon and Hope

Sometimes it's all around you
Sometimes that love surrounds you
And even gone it's with you
Tasting of salt
He learned about love the hard way
She learned that nothing would stay
They knew all about love and nothing
Sharon and Hope
She says I like to kiss you
He says you'd better not
He's on the brink of loving
She's on the brink of falling
Maybe a month in Spain could do it for you
Or a fridge of cocaine could do it
Those are not ways to do it
For Sharon and Hope
Maybe a month in Spain could do it for you
Or a fridge of cocaine could do it
Those are not ways to do it
For Sharon and Hope
Now that I met you nothing's the same
It's not going to be it ever again
If you stay or walk away
If I'm off or if I'm brave
Sometimes it's all around you
Sometimes that love surrounds you
We have it if we want to
Me Sharon you Hope

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